How I Discovered My Niche on YouTube in 1 Year

Maneetpaul Singh
2 min readJun 30, 2021


When I started making YouTube videos, I spent months trying to decide what my thing should be.

Everyone says finding your niche is key to becoming a successful YouTuber. If you want to grow an online audience, you need to pick one topic and become the go-to expert on it. If you want to create, you first need to decide your niche.

That path didn’t work for my very passionate personality.

When I find something that interests me, I go all in. On YouTube, I first started with making travel vlogs. I then decided to try Sikh videos. A few months later, I decided to switch to tech and productivity videos instead.

This inability to stick with one “thing” felt like a weakness.

I felt frustrated. Every month I’d go back and forth between niches. I convinced myself that success would come if I just buckled down and picked one thing.

Looking back, I realize how wrong I was.

Finding your niche isn’t something you just decide one day. In fact, it’s not something you find at all. Your niche is something that is created through trial and error. Create content prolifically, and your niche will be created in the process.

Today, I have clarity around my niche.

Right now, I’m focusing on creating Kindle content. Through the 100+ videos I’ve made on YouTube, I discovered that Kindle content is a topic I find interesting, and also a topic that resonates well with my audience. I doubled down and it paid off.

If choosing your niche is causing stress, know that you aren’t alone.

Try creating one instead.



Maneetpaul Singh

“The Kindle YouTuber” • Posting about content creation, productivity, and growing a YouTube channel •